Evo  7.3.0-TM22122701
Evo LPR Engine
SDK Installations


On Windows platform, because the package installer performs most installation process automatically there is no need to do things related to installation. However, if GPU acceleration for DNNs or QuickSync H/W CODEC for TSSEngine and FAVEngine is required, must install Intel's Process Graphics Driver separately. The driver can be downloaded from 'https://downloadcenter.intel.com'. Additionally, we recommend to install the last x64 version of Microsoft's Visual C++ Redistributable Package which can be downloaded from 'https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/windows/latest-supported-vc-redist?view=msvc-170'.


In case of Linux platform, because such automatic package installer as Windows is not supported yet, follow installation guideline described below.

Common Installation
  1. Install external dependent packages as below.
       sudo apt-get install libtbb2 libpugixml1v5 libturbojpeg libglew2.1
  2. Extract the 'EvoEngineSDK.tar.xz' file into the place which you want. However, '/opt/EvoEngineSDK' is recommended.
  3. For normal loading runtime libraries in SDK, must register '/opt/EvoEngineSDK/Lib/x86_64', '/opt/EvoEngineSDK/Lib/x86_64/External' and '/opt/EvoEngineSDK/Lib/x86_64/External/MediaSDK' directories in library search paths. For this, 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH' environment variable can be set or new configuration file in '/etc/ld.so.conf.d' directory can be created. If the former is used and the SDK is installed under the directory '/opt/EvoEngineSDK', execute following command.
       export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/EvoEngineSDK/Lib/x86_64:/opt/EvoEngineSDK/Lib/x86_64/External:/opt/EvoEngineSDK/Lib/x86_64/External/MediaSDK
  4. If video streaming is used as engine input, following commands must be executed.
       export LIBVA_DRIVER_NAME=iHD
       export LIBVA_DRIVERS_PATH=/opt/EvoEngineSDK/Lib/x86_64/External/MediaSDK
  5. As optional step, 'EVOENG_DATA_DIR' environment variable can be set to '/opt/EvoEngineSDK/Data' directory. For several APIs to need this directory as an argument, This help it not to be passed explicitly at their calls. If you choose, execute following command.
       export EVOENG_DATA_DIR=/opt/EvoEngineSDK/Data
Optional Setup for GPU Acceleration
If GPU acceleration is required, must install Intel Graphics Compute Runtime package. This package and its detailed installation guide can be obtained from "https://github.com/intel/compute-runtime".